
All interfaces in Reatom designed with focus in automatic type inference. You almost never need to define types by your hand in fabrics generics in a regular code, all you need is correct types for passed data / options.

For example, most lens operators processed passed atom type in generics and defining it manually is annoying, but if you need to define passed options types, define exactly the passed data!

import { action } from '@reatom/core'
import { mapPayloadAwaited } from '@reatom/lens'

const fetchList = action((ctx) =>
  ctx.schedule(async () => {
    const data: Array<string> = await fetch('/api/list').then((r) => r.json())
    return data
// const fetchList: Action<[], Promise<string[]>>

const listAtom = fetchList.pipe(mapPayloadAwaited([]))
// const listAtom: Atom<string[]>

const listAtom = fetchList.pipe(mapPayloadAwaited(new Array<number>()))
// const listAtom: Atom<string[] | number[]>

const listAtom = fetchList.pipe(
  mapPayloadAwaited([], (ctx, v) => v.map((value, id) => ({ id, value }))),
// const listAtom: Atom<{ id: number; value: string; }[]>

type Item = { readonly id: number; readonly value: string; newValue?: string }
const listAtom = fetchList.pipe(
  mapPayloadAwaited([], (ctx, v) =>
    v.map((value, id): Item => ({ id, value })),
// const listAtom: Atom<Item[]>